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Does ear wax cause tinnitus and ears ringing?

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ear with a crucial role. It helps to lubricate the ear canal, protecting the inner ear from dirt, dust, and bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of infections. When ear wax accumulates, it can cause discomfort, hearing loss, and a ringing sensation in the ears, a common symptom of tinnitus. So, does ear wax cause tinnitus? Yes, a build-up of ear wax can indeed lead to tinnitus, as it blocks the ear canal and interferes with normal hearing. The brain may interpret the pressure or blockage as sound, resulting in the perception of ringing or buzzing. This sound is internal, meaning it’s not audible to others. ear wax-related tinnitus is not uncommon, particularly among older adults, and it typically resolves once the excess wax is safely removed by a healthcare professional. Tinnitus affects around 15-20% of people and is more common as we age.

Can ear wax cause tinnitus and ringing in the ears?

Yes, unfortunately, a build-up of ear wax can lead to tinnitus, as excessive wax can obstruct the ear canal and impact hearing. When ear wax accumulates, it can put pressure on the ear, leading to a feeling of fullness and, in many cases, the onset of tinnitus. This is why many people experience ringing or buzzing in the ears at some point in their lives, particularly if they allow cerumen to build up without proper care. Additionally, attempting to remove ear wax incorrectly can cause further complications. Using earbuds, cotton swabs, or small objects to clear wax may push it deeper into the canal or even damage the delicate structures inside the ear. This can result in injury, which may also trigger tinnitus. It's important to note that tinnitus doesn't necessarily occur in both ears. If one ear is more affected by wax build-up or injury from improper cleaning, the ringing in the ear may only be present on one side. To prevent these issues, it’s best to seek professional help for safe ear wax removal, rather than attempting to do it yourself and risking further damage.

Can blocked ears cause tinnitus and ears buzzing?

Blocked ears can indeed cause tinnitus and buzzing in the ears. When the ear canal becomes blocked—often due to a build-up of ear wax, fluid, or congestion from a cold or sinus infection—sound cannot travel efficiently through the ear, leading to a sensation of fullness and pressure. This blockage can stimulate the nerves in the ear, causing tinnitus, which is commonly experienced as a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound. The Eustachian tube, which helps regulate pressure in the middle ear, can also become blocked due to colds, allergies, or infections. When this occurs, the pressure imbalance may lead to temporary hearing difficulties and tinnitus. In most cases, blocked ears cause temporary tinnitus, and the symptoms resolve once the blockage is cleared, either through natural means or medical intervention. However, if the blockage persists, it’s important to seek medical advice to avoid further complications, such as ear infections or damage to the eardrum. Proper care and management of ear blockages can reduce the risk of long-term tinnitus or other hearing issues.

Can ear wax cause pain in ears?

Yes, ear wax can cause pain in the ears, especially when there is a build-up of ear wax or the wax becomes impacted. Ear wax, or cerumen, is a natural substance that helps protect the ear canal by trapping dust and debris. However, when too much ear wax accumulates or hardens, it can cause a blocked ear, leading to discomfort and pain. A build-up of ear wax can cause a range of symptoms, including earache, a feeling of fullness, itching, and in some cases, temporary hearing loss. The blockage can also put pressure on the delicate structures within the ear, such as the eardrum, which may result in pain. If the wax is impacted, it may become even more uncomfortable, especially if it presses against sensitive parts of the ear canal or leads to infection. In some cases, people may try to clean their ears using cotton swabs or other objects, which can push the wax deeper into the ear and worsen the blockage, increasing the risk of pain. If ear wax causes pain or discomfort, it's important to avoid self-removal attempts and instead consult a healthcare professional. Safe removal methods, such as ear drops, irrigation, or manual extraction by a doctor, can relieve symptoms and prevent further complications. The healthy cerumen colour is yellow, so any different shade needs attention.

Cerumen and tinnitus: how does ear wax cause ear ringing?

There are several reasons why ear ringing can be caused by ear wax, primarily due to the stimulation of nerves in the ear canal, which is linked to tinnitus. It's essential to understand that tinnitus itself is not a disease but a symptom indicating an issue with your auditory system. This system includes the auditory nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain, and the parts of the brain that process sound, like the auditory cortex. When cerumen (ear wax) accumulates and becomes impacted, it can put pressure on the ear canal, stimulating the surrounding nerves. This nerve activity may be interpreted by the brain as sound, leading to the sensation of ringing in the ears. In some cases, the brain may even generate internal sounds to compensate for the blockage, causing what is known as cerumen tinnitus.

Common causes of ringing in ears related to ear wax include:

  • Blockage or impaction: Hardened ear wax can block the ear canal, causing a feeling of fullness, hearing loss, and sometimes tinnitus. This blockage disrupts the vibrations of the eardrum and auditory bones, leading to tinnitus.
  • Ear Infection: ear wax buildup can trap bacteria, leading to infections and inflammation, which can affect hearing and cause tinnitus.
  • Pressure changes: Impacted ear wax pressing on the eardrum can disturb normal hearing and trigger tinnitus symptoms.
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Ringing in ears due to ear wax: what to know

Some individuals with existing tinnitus report that they become more aware of it when their ears are full of wax. This happens because ear wax build-up can block external sounds from reaching the eardrum, making internal sounds, like ringing in the ears from wax, more noticeable. Once the ear wax is removed, most people find that their perception of tinnitus significantly decreases. In rare cases, some individuals with ringing in ears due to ear wax have reported that ear wax removal made their tinnitus more bothersome. This could be due to the removal process being uncomfortable or unpleasant, but this effect is usually temporary. Given that ear wax and tinnitus are closely linked, it’s essential to approach ear wax removal carefully. Fortunately, ear wax removal is a routine procedure, and complications are very rare. Most people find that once the wax is cleared, their tinnitus is less noticeable, improving their overall hearing experience.

Build up of ear wax: symptoms and prevention

A build-up of ear wax can lead to several symptoms, affecting your hearing and comfort. ear wax is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal to protect the ear from dust, debris, and microorganisms. However, when too much wax accumulates, it can cause a blocked ear, leading to various symptoms. The most common signs of an ear blocked by wax include a feeling of fullness in the ear, muffled hearing, earache, dizziness, and, in some cases, tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear). In severe cases, the blockage may cause infections, leading to more significant discomfort, ear discharge, or even temporary hearing loss. To prevent a build-up of ear wax, it's essential to avoid using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ear canal, as this can push the wax further inside and worsen the blockage. Instead, letting the ear naturally expel wax is the safest option. If you experience symptoms of a blocked wax ear, over-the-counter ear drops can help soften the wax for easier removal. For persistent or severe blockages, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for safe and effective ear wax removal, such as irrigation or manual extraction by a doctor. Regular ear check-ups can also prevent future wax build-ups.

Causes of excessive ear wax

  • Excessive ear wax build-up can occur for several reasons, such as:
  • Narrow or damaged ear canals
  • Excessive hair growth in the ear canal, which traps more wax
  • Skin conditions affecting the scalp or ear area
  • Ear infections, such as Otitis Externa (swimmer’s ear), which cause inflammation
  • Dry ears, particularly in older individuals

Will tinnitus go away if I remove the ear wax?

Technically, yes, ear wax removal can help with tinnitus. If the ear wax is the primary cause of the tinnitus, the symptoms should subside once the wax is removed. However, it's important to note that tinnitus may also be a sign of an underlying issue, so the removal of ear wax may not always resolve the problem entirely.

How to remove ear wax: remedies for cerumen tinnitus

If self-treatment for ear wax build-up doesn’t resolve the issue, it may need to be removed by a qualified healthcare professional. The NHS guidelines recommend two main methods for ear wax removal: electronic irrigation and micro suction ear wax removal. Some practitioners may also use specialised tools for manual wax removal and a combination of methods may be employed to ensure all the wax is safely cleared. It’s advisable to use wax-softening drops for up to five days before your appointment. If any part of the procedure causes pain or discomfort, inform the clinician immediately. In the past, manual syringing was commonly used to remove ear wax, but it is no longer recommended due to potential risks. Instead, electronic irrigators with controlled pressure are now used, which are gentler and safer.

Electronic Ear Irrigation

In this procedure, warm water is used to flush out the wax. The water and wax are collected in a dish held under the ear. While it may create some noise, it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. However, it’s not suitable for those with a history of ear surgery, infections, or a perforated eardrum.


Microsuction has become a preferred method for ear wax removal in recent years. Using a high-powered microscope, the clinician gently suctions the wax out without the need for liquid. It’s generally safe and painless, even for those with a perforated eardrum, but can be noisy or slightly uncomfortable for some.

Manual Removal

Clinicians may also remove wax manually with a headlight and handheld instruments. However, you should never attempt to remove ear wax yourself, as this could push the wax further in or cause injury.

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How to remove ear wax blockage fast

To remove ear wax blockage quickly and safely, it is essential to use methods recommended by medical professionals. The most effective and widely used method is the use of over-the-counter ear drops, typically containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These ear drops help soften the wax, allowing it to naturally exit the ear. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid irritation or further blockages. Another common method is irrigation, which involves gently flushing the ear canal with warm water using a bulb syringe or ear irrigation kit. This method can effectively remove wax, but it should be done carefully to prevent damage to the eardrum or ear canal. Irrigation should not be attempted if there is any sign of an ear infection or perforation in the eardrum. In cases where over-the-counter solutions do not work, seeking medical assistance is advisable. Healthcare providers can perform professional ear cleaning using specialized tools, such as a curette or suction device. These methods are quick and efficient but should only be performed by trained professionals to avoid injury.

It is important not to use cotton swabs or other objects to remove ear wax, as this can push the wax deeper into the ear canal and cause more significant blockages or damage.

How to remove stubborn ear wax at home

To safely remove ear wax at home, several methods can help soften and clear the blockage. One common method is using olive oil ear drops. Olive oil helps soften the ear wax, making it easier for the body to naturally expel it. To use this method, warm a few drops of olive oil (making sure it’s not too hot) and apply them into the ear while lying on your side. Leave the oil in your ear for a few minutes to allow it to soften the wax, then tilt your head to let the oil and wax drain out. Another option is using over-the-counter ear drops for wax removal, which often contain ingredients like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These drops work by softening and breaking down the ear wax, allowing it to naturally exit the ear canal. Follow the instructions provided with the ear drops for safe use. If you're wondering how to open a blocked ear at home, one method is ear irrigation, which involves gently flushing the ear canal with warm water using a bulb syringe. However, avoid this method if you have a perforated eardrum or an ear infection. Always consult a healthcare provider if these methods do not resolve the issue or if discomfort persists.

Tinnitus and ear ringing after ear wax removal

Tinnitus and ear ringing after ear wax removal are common concerns. Tinnitus refers to the perception of sound, such as ringing, buzzing, or hissing, in the absence of an external noise source. Ear ringing after ear wax removal may occur temporarily due to the sudden change in the ear's environment. When ear wax is removed, the ear canal is exposed to more sounds, and the sudden removal of blockage can lead to an increased awareness of inner ear activity, causing temporary tinnitus. Tinnitus after ear wax removal can also occur if the ear wax was compacted and its removal caused minor irritation to the ear canal or eardrum. This irritation might stimulate the auditory nerves, leading to ringing or buzzing sounds. In most cases, this type of tinnitus subsides within a few hours to a few days as the ear adjusts to its normal state. However, if ear ringing persists for longer periods after ear wax removal, it may be a sign of an underlying issue, such as infection or preexisting hearing conditions. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional to assess the situation and determine if further treatment is needed.

How long does tinnitus last after ear wax removal?

The duration of tinnitus after ear wax removal can vary significantly from person to person, depending on the root cause of the tinnitus and the extent of the wax build-up. For some, the tinnitus may lessen or disappear entirely soon after the wax is removed, with improvement happening within hours to a few days as the ear canal clears and normal hearing is restored. However, if the tinnitus is not solely caused by ear wax (for example, if it’s related to other factors such as prolonged exposure to loud noise or age-related hearing loss), it may persist even after the wax has been removed. In such cases, the tinnitus may last longer and may require further treatment or management. If your tinnitus continues after wax removal, it’s important to seek further advice. Feel free to contact us and schedule an appointment to explore other potential causes and treatments.

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How do I know if I have ear wax causing tinnitus?

If your tinnitus began alongside other symptoms typically associated with ear wax build-up, the ear wax is likely the cause of your tinnitus. However, it’s always best to consult a qualified audiologist to confirm whether ear wax build-up is responsible for your tinnitus.

Should I try to clean the wax out myself?

If you have too much ear wax, you might be tempted to use a cotton bud or another object to clean your ears. This is risky and can lead to serious issues, such as perforating your eardrum or increasing the risk of infection. Inserting objects into the ear often pushes the wax deeper into the canal, potentially causing impacted wax. The pressure from impacted wax can stimulate nerve cells in the inner ear, causing the brain to misinterpret these signals as sound, resulting in tinnitus. Before reaching for the cotton buds, reconsider. Instead, refer to our guide on how to safely clean your ears without using cotton buds, and always seek professional help for proper ear wax removal.

What should I do about ear wax blockage?

If ear wax isn’t causing any issues, it's best to leave it alone. The ear is self-cleaning, and the wax should clear naturally. If you notice ear wax on the outer ear, simply wiping it with a clean cloth should suffice. However, sometimes ear wax can build up, especially if it is particularly dry or if you have a narrow or hairy ear canal. Build-up can also occur if wax is pushed further down the canal by cotton buds, hearing aids, or earphones. If a build-up of ear wax is causing tinnitus, interfering with hearing aids, leading to vertigo, reducing hearing ability, or causing discomfort, it may need to be removed.

How can I treat impacted ear wax myself?

You can treat ear wax at home, provided you don’t have any of the following conditions, in which case you should see your GP:

While it may be tempting to use cotton buds to remove ear wax, this can irritate the ear canal, stripping it of natural oils and causing itchiness. Cotton buds can also push the wax further in, potentially causing serious injury to the ear canal or eardrum.

Ear Wax Softening

Most people start with ear wax softening drops, which may help the wax move out naturally. There are many drops available, but some can be harsh, especially if you have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

Alternatively, olive oil can be used. Standard cooking olive oil works well, and it doesn’t need to be warmed before use. Using a dropper, tilt your head to one side and place a few drops into the ear, allowing them to move down the canal. Use a tissue to absorb any excess oil from the outer ear.

Two or three drops in each ear, twice a day for one to two weeks, is usually enough to clear the wax. Olive oil sprays are also available, offering better coverage and preventing the dropper from going too far into the ear. If you frequently experience ear wax build-up, using a couple of drops of olive oil once a week may help.

Ear candling: potential risks

Hopi ear candling practitioners often assert that it effectively removes ear wax. However, we have concerns about this treatment. There is no reliable evidence to support its benefits for people with tinnitus, and there is strong evidence that using ear candles has caused damage to some individuals' ears and faces. We consider ear candling to be unsafe and recommend avoiding its use.

Ear wax removal on the NHS

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that ear wax removal should be offered within the community. However, it is no longer a core service that GP practices are required to provide. It’s advisable to contact your GP to check if this service is still available in your area.

Many people are now directed to seek assistance from private providers. Costs can vary, and some private clinics may not offer all available methods of ear wax removal. If you choose to use a private service, ensure that the clinician is properly trained, qualified, and adheres to professional guidelines.

That said, it is important to see your GP first if:

  • You have a perforated eardrum
  • You have had ear surgery, like a cholesteatoma removal
  • Previous attempts at wax removal have been unsuccessful
  • Your hearing or tinnitus remain affected after wax removal

In such cases, your GP may refer you to a specialist Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) service for further evaluation and treatment.

Risks of ear wax removal

The clinician performing your ear wax removal will be fully trained and will follow best practice procedures to minimise any potential risk. However, it’s important to note that no medical procedure is entirely without risk.

Although complications from ear wax removal are very uncommon, they can include:

  • Damage to the ear canal or eardrum
  • Infection of the ear canal or ear
  • Temporary hearing loss
  • Permanent hearing loss (rare)
  • Temporary dizziness
  • Rare cases of nausea or fainting
  • Worsening of tinnitus or a temporary increase in existing tinnitus
  • Temporary throat irritation

While these issues are rare, it's important to be aware of them when considering treatment.

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