Why aren't hearing aids covered by insurance?

Hearing aids have become more powerful in recent years, and they’ve also become a lot smaller. But with prices ranging from £395 to more than £1,995, they are among the most expensive personal items you can own. However, along with needing to replace them every few years, hearing aids are also easily lost or damaged. This may lead you to ask: are hearing aids covered by insurance?

Are hearing aids covered by insurance?

Some insurance providers do cover hearing aids under household or contents insurance. They will insure your hearing aids against loss or damage caused by theft, fire and other circumstances. Some providers will also offer cover for your hearing aids if you take them away with you. Having said that, you may need to add personal possessions policy cover to your policy which will cover you against accidental loss and damage. You should check your existing insurance coverage or ask your insurer to see what is covered by your policy.

Some hearing aid providers offer insurance coverage, so it’s worth speaking to your hearing care professional for more information.

Hearing aid coverage

If you are looking for a new insurer, it’s a good idea to check:

  • Whether hearing aids are covered as ‘extras’
  • How much money you will get back? Some insurers have a set amount that they will pay for hearing aids
  • How long you will have to wait to be reimbursed?
  • Will the payment be a one-off or a regular payment? Some insurance providers will only offer one payment across the entire life of the policy, while others will cover the replacement of your hearing aids once every five years
  • How will a claim against your hearing aids affect your no-claims discount on your insurance policy?

Before you sign with a new insurance provider, make sure you know what hearing aid coverage is provided for your devices and what happens if you make a claim. 

Why are hearing aids not covered by insurance?

While hearing aids can transform your life and keep you connected with the world around you, insurance providers don’t necessarily view them in the same way. For many insurers, they are considered to be too high a risk to insure. Insurance companies make their money from people paying for insurance policies but never actually making a claim. Hearing aids, however, can easily get lost or damaged, and they also usually need replacing every five years or so. This can be costly to insurers.

NHS hearing aids

If you can’t buy your hearing aids privately, you can get them through the NHS hearing aid coverage. NHS hearing aids are usually available to anyone in the UK who has hearing loss. They are generally available as behind-the-ear (BTE) or receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) hearing aids. They can be provided to you for free on a long-term loan arrangement and include hearing aid batteries, repairs and any necessary follow-up appointments. There’s often a limited range of hearing aids available through the NHS, so you may not be able to get the smallest and most discreet devices or ones that have the very latest hearing-aid technology. Also, keep in mind that it’s common for there to be long waiting times to get NHS hearing aids.

If hearing aids have been recommended to you, you mustn’t delay in getting the treatment you need for your hearing loss. Speak with your insurance provider to find out if your hearing aids are covered and what the coverage includes. Hearing aids may seem expensive, but you cannot put a price on the difference a hearing aid can make to your life.

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