How long do hearing aid batteries last?

When you come to buy your hearing aids you will likely look at the style, size and overall cost. What you may not think about is how long do hearing aid batteries last? But this is an important question, because if your hearing aid battery only has a short lifespan, you could find yourself having to replace it more regularly than expected. You also run the risk of your hearing aids running out of power when you need them.

How long should hearing aid batteries last?

Hearing aid batteries are available in four sizes identified by a number and accompanied by a universal colour-coding system. Behind-the-ear (BTE) style hearing aids normally need 312 and 13 size batteries. Meanwhile, in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids usually require either a size 10 or 312 batteries. So, how long does a size 10 hearing aid battery last? Here is our guide, along with other battery sizes:

  • Size 10 (yellow): three to seven days
  • Size 312 (brown): three to 10 days
  • Size 13 (orange): six to 14 days
  • Size 675 (blue): nine to 16 days

Rechargeable batteries

Many of the very latest hearing aids now come with rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable hearing aids are more cost-effective as you won’t have to buy replacement batteries again. Once the battery has run out of charge or you’ve finished using your hearing aids, you can simply put them in the special charging dock to recharge overnight. They will charge as you sleep and be ready to provide you with a full day’s worth of charge when you wake up in the morning.

What influences battery life?

There’s no precise answer as to how long hearing aid batteries last. The life of your hearing aid battery will be affected by several different factors.

Level of hearing loss

If you have been diagnosed with severe hearing loss then your hearing aids will have to provide greater amplification to be effective for you. This means that your batteries will likely drain considerably faster than a person with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Hearing aid use

How long you use your hearing aids for will have a huge effect on the lifespan of your battery. Ideally, you will wear your hearing aid for the whole day. However, the battery will drain much faster than someone who only wears them for a few hours each time. If you also use your hearing aids for Bluetooth, this can also mean your battery drains much faster.


Your hearing-aid batteries should be stored at room temperature. Batteries shouldn’t be kept in extreme temperatures where they could be damaged such as the car, in the bathroom, outside in hot weather or in the freezer. High humidity can also cause your batteries to leak, while low humidity can result in them drying out faster.

Removing the battery sticker

Zinc-air hearing aid batteries come sealed with a sticky tab to keep them fresh. Once the sticker is removed the batteries will start to discharge power. This means that it’s best to only remove the sticker once you are ready to put them in your hearing aid. The sticker needs to be removed and the battery needs to be in contact with room air for 3-5 minutes prior to inserting the battery into the hearing aid.

Leaving battery door open overnight

When you aren’t using your hearing aids, such as at night, it’s a good idea to leave open the battery compartment door to let any moisture escape. This helps to keep your hearing aids and battery in good condition and could also help to conserve battery life. Removing the batteries completely when you don’t expect to use your hearing aids for around two or more days will help to maintain battery function.

Hearing aids are an important investment and can be the key to keeping you connected with your friends and family. Making sure you look after your hearing aid and batteries will ensure you can have the maximum amount of benefit from your hearing aids for the maximum amount of time.

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