Decibel level meters: how to use them for noise levels

Girl hearing a noise

A decibel meter, also known as a sound level meter, is a device used to measure the intensity of sound in decibels (dB). These meters are essential tools for monitoring noise pollution in various environments, such as industrial sites, urban areas, and public events, to ensure compliance with safety regulations and to protect hearing health. Decibel meters function by using a microphone to capture sound waves, which are then converted into electrical signals. These signals are processed to display the sound level on the meter’s screen. Advanced models can measure various acoustic parameters like the equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) and provide features such as data logging and frequency analysis​. Read more in our article.

What is a decibel metre?

Doctor fitting a headset on a patient

A decibel meter, also known as a noise decibel meter or sound level meter, is an instrument designed to measure sound pressure levels using the decibel (dB) scale. This device, often referred to as a sound pressure level (SPL) meter, captures sound via a microphone.

The microphone detects sound pressure variations and converts them into an electrical signal, which is then amplified by a preamplifier. The decibel meter processes this signal, applying frequency and time weightings in line with international standards to provide accurate measurements. Decibel meters mimic the human ear's response to sound, offering objective measurements of noise levels in various environments. The measured noise levels, displayed in decibels (dB), are shown on the device’s screen. Some models also display additional acoustic parameters, such as the equivalent continuous sound level (Leq).

Typically portable and battery-operated, decibel meters can also be permanently installed for continuous noise monitoring in specific settings. These devices are essential for measuring environmental, industrial, and machine noise levels. Safety professionals use sound level decibel meters to monitor conditions and ensure compliance with recommended exposure limits (RELs).

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What is a decibel?

Decibels (dB) measure the intensity of sound. The decibel scale is logarithmic, meaning a 10 dB increase represents a tenfold increase in intensity. This scale ranges from 0 dB, the faintest sound the human ear can detect, to over 140 dB, the threshold of pain. Exposure to sounds above 85 dB can cause hearing damage over time. Common sounds and their typical decibel levels include normal conversation (60 dB), busy street traffic (70-85 dB), and loud concerts (110-120 dB). Noise levels above 120 dB, such as from a jet engine or a gunshot, can cause immediate harm to hearing​. Understanding these levels helps in taking appropriate measures to protect hearing, such as using ear protection in noisy environments and limiting exposure time to loud sounds​. Here's a comparison table of common noise sources and their corresponding decibel levels:

Noise Source

Decibel Level (dB)


10 dB


20 dB

Normal conversation

60 dB

Busy street traffic

70-85 dB

Alarm clock

80 dB

Vacuum cleaner

75-85 dB

Heavy traffic

85 dB

Rock concert

110-120 dB

Jet engine at takeoff

140 dB


140 dB

  • Noise Source

    • Breathing

    • Whispering

    • Normal conversation

    • Busy street traffic

    • Alarm clock

    • Vacuum cleaner

    • Heavy traffic

    • Rock concert

    • Jet engine at takeoff

    • Gunshot

  • Decibel Level (dB)

    • 10 dB

    • 20 dB

    • 60 dB

    • 70-85 dB

    • 80 dB

    • 75-85 dB

    • 85 dB

    • 110-120 dB

    • 140 dB

    • 140 dB

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Why sound decibel meters are used?

How is sound level measured? A decibel level meter, also known as a sound decibel meter or decibel sound level meter, is a valuable tool for measuring, monitoring, and controlling noise levels. These devices are commonly used in factories, industrial plants, and construction sites to ensure safe working conditions. Additionally, they are employed in urban environments to monitor noise from traffic, public events, and other sources. Regulatory authorities and workplace safety specialists use decibel level meters to ensure noise levels do not exceed recommended reference levels, protecting workers, city dwellers, and the general public from exposure to harmful noise.

Sound decibel meters are also used for setting up audio equipment at concerts, providing accurate measurements to achieve optimal sound quality. For personal use, a decibel reader can help monitor noise levels at home or in the workplace to prevent exposure to dangerous sound levels, or for calibrating audio equipment accurately. Overall, decibel meters play a crucial role in maintaining safe and controlled noise environments across various settings.

Does a decibel meter measure bass?

Questions like "does a decibel meter measure bass?" have a nuanced answer. Standard decibel meters typically measure sound using A-weighting (dBA), which approximates the human ear's sensitivity to different frequencies, and this weighting is less sensitive to low-frequency sounds (bass). However, some meters also offer C-weighting (dBC), which is more linear and includes bass frequencies, making them better suited for measuring low-frequency sounds. Overall, decibel meters are versatile tools used in various fields to monitor and control noise levels, ensuring a quieter and healthier environment for individuals​.

Functions of a noise level meter to measure sound decibels

What is a sound level meter used for? A meter for measuring sound, also known as a db level meter, is essential in various scenarios where monitoring and controlling noise levels are crucial. These instruments measure sound in decibels (dB) and serve multiple purposes depending on the environment.

Community Noise Analysis

A noise sound level meter is often used for measuring community or environmental noise to protect the general population from harmful noise levels. This includes monitoring noise in residential or urban areas to prevent exposure to dangerous sound levels and to resolve disputes between neighbours. Community noise can be challenging to measure due to the variety of sources, such as traffic, construction, and playgrounds. Accurate measurements require separate recordings during the day and night over extended periods to determine average and peak noise levels.

Building Acoustics

A db SPL meter is utilized in building and architectural acoustics to assess room acoustics, reverberation, transmission loss, and sound absorption. These measurements ensure compliance with building codes and evaluate how noise travels through structures. Designers use this data to implement and test sound insulation materials, optimizing environments such as homes, restaurants, offices, lecture rooms, auditoriums, and concert halls.

Industrial Noise Control

In industrial settings, a decibel sound level meter is frequently used for on-the-spot measurements and long-term noise monitoring. Industrial Hygienists and Workplace Safety Professionals rely on decibel meters to assess workplace noise exposure. They conduct regular noise surveys and implement safety procedures to protect employees from hearing damage.

Machinery Noise Analysis

Decibel meters are also crucial for product noise testing in industries like automotive, appliance manufacturing, firearms manufacturing, energy, and agriculture. These instruments help manufacturers gather and analyze sound-level data to develop quieter products.

Measuring Sound Decibels

Using a meter to measure sound involves capturing sound pressure levels with a microphone, converting these into electrical signals, and processing them to provide accurate decibel readings. This process allows for precise monitoring of noise levels to ensure safety and compliance across various environments. Decibel readers and sound level meters are indispensable tools for measuring, monitoring, and controlling noise in diverse settings, ensuring safety, comfort, and compliance with regulations.

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Understanding sound level meters: measuring sound in decibels (dB)

Sound level meters, also known as decibel meters or noise meters, are handheld electronic devices used to measure sound levels in decibels (dB). These devices are essential for assessing noise levels in various environments and ensuring compliance with health and safety standards.

Types of Sound Level Meters

Sound level meters are classified into two main types, each defining the device’s accuracy according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards:

  • Type 1 / Class 1: These meters are designed for precision-grade assessments and are primarily used in laboratory settings due to their high accuracy in measuring sound levels.
  • Type 2 / Class 2: These meters are less complex and are typically used for noise level assessments in industrial, educational, commercial, or residential settings. They are suitable for general-purpose noise measurements.

Measuring Sound Levels

Sound level meters measure the noise level in an environment and display the readings in decibels (dB). Most models feature an integrated digital display and some come with inbuilt data logging memory to store readings. Advanced models can be connected to smartphones or tablets for easy data sharing, while others need to be connected to a computer to export data.

Weighting and Frequency Ranges

Weighting refers to the frequency range that a sound level meter can measure. There are different types of frequency weighting:

  • A-Weighting: Most common for general noise measurements as it approximates the frequency sensitivity of the human ear.
  • C-Weighting: Used for measuring higher noise levels, still within the audible range for humans.
  • Z-Weighting: Measures the entire frequency range from 10 Hz to 20 kHz, providing an unweighted measurement.

Calibration of Sound Level Meters

Calibrating your sound level meter ensures it returns accurate measurements. Regular calibration provides confidence that the device operates correctly and maintains high accuracy.

Dosimeters vs. Sound Level Meters

While sound level meters measure the noise within an entire environment, dosimeters (or dosemeters) are used to measure personal noise exposure. Dosimeters are typically worn by individuals in workplaces to monitor their exposure to noise levels over time.

Importance of Measuring Sound Levels

Using sound level meters helps in monitoring and controlling noise levels to prevent hearing damage and other health issues caused by high noise levels. Accurate noise measurement allows for the implementation of necessary measures, such as slowing down machinery or using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), to minimize the risk of hearing loss and maintain a healthy environment. Sound level meters are vital tools for measuring noise levels in decibels, ensuring environments comply with safety standards and protecting individuals from the harmful effects of excessive noise. Whether in precise laboratory settings or general workplace environments, these devices play a crucial role in maintaining sound safety standards.

How to use a sound level meter: comprehensive guide

A human ear perceiving sound

Using a sound level meter effectively is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. Whether you are using a sound level meter-free or a professional-grade sound measuring device, following proper guidelines ensures precise measurements. Proper usage of a sound level meter, whether it’s a free app or a professional sound measuring device, involves careful consideration of positioning, environmental factors, and recording conditions. By following these guidelines, you can ensure accurate noise level measurements, helping you manage and mitigate noise pollution effectively.

General Guidelines for Using a Sound Level Meter

  • Positioning: Place the sound level meter at a sufficient distance from any obstacles or reflectors to avoid interference.
  • Microphone Placement: Position the microphone of the sound level meter about 1.3 to 1.5 meters above the ground and direct it towards the sound source.

How to calibrate a decibel meter

To calibrate a decibel meter, follow these essential steps to ensure accurate sound level measurements:

  1. Visual Inspection: Before calibration, inspect the sound level meter and its microphone for any physical damage or accumulation of debris. Check the power supply voltage to ensure it is within specified limits​​.
  2. Use a Sound Calibrator: Attach a sound calibrator to the microphone of the sound level meter. Sound calibrators typically provide a reference sound pressure level, often 94 dB or 114 dB at a frequency of 1 kHz. Ensure the calibrator has a valid calibration certificate from a recognized laboratory.

Calibration Process:

  1. Turn on the sound calibrator and set it to the appropriate reference level (e.g., 94 dB at 1 kHz).
  2. Place the calibrator over the microphone of the sound level meter.
  3. Switch on the sound level meter and set it to the calibration mode if required.
  4. Adjust the meter's reading to match the output of the calibrator. This process may involve entering a calibration menu on the device and setting the displayed value to match the calibrator's output​.
  5. Post-Calibration Check: After adjusting the meter, recheck the calibration to ensure consistency. It’s recommended to perform this check before and after measurements, especially in varying environmental conditions​.

Regular calibration is crucial, as it ensures the meter’s accuracy, especially when used in regulatory compliance, occupational noise assessment, or environmental monitoring​. Annual calibration by a certified laboratory is advisable to maintain the meter's precision and reliability.

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Are decibel meters accurate? Factor affecting measurements

What precautions should be taken when using a sound level meter? The accuracy of a sound pressure level meter, or any noise measuring device, can be influenced by various factors such as:

  • Environment: Ensure the measurement conditions are consistent and note any environmental factors.
  • Sound Sources: Different sound sources can affect readings, so document the type and description of these sources.

Recording Measurement Conditions

To ensure the reliability of your decibel check, keep a detailed record of:

  • Type of sound level meter used
  • Number and duration of measurements
  • Measurement location
  • Time of day
  • Weather conditions (if measurements are taken outdoors)
  • Description of sound sources

Indoor Measurements

  • For accurate indoor measurements with a noise meter, eliminate any obstacles between the microphone and the sound source.
  • Ensure the microphone is directed towards the sound source.

Outdoor Measurements

For reliable outdoor measurements with a noise measuring device:

  • Whenever possible, take measurements in dry weather conditions.
  • Document the weather conditions, including wind direction and speed, temperature, and humidity. If wind speeds exceed 5 m/s, use wind protection to prevent interference with the sound measurements.

Distance from Sound Source

  • Your distance from the sound source can significantly impact the measurements. Make sure to note and maintain a consistent distance to ensure the accuracy of your sound pressure level meter readings

How much does a decibel meter cost in the UK?

The cost of a decibel meter in the UK varies significantly depending on its class and features.

  • Class 1 decibel meters, which offer high precision and meet stringent international standards for accuracy, typically range from £650 to £3,000. These meters are suitable for professional applications requiring highly accurate measurements, such as environmental noise assessments and industrial noise control.
  • Class 2 decibel meters, which are generally less expensive and used for more general-purpose sound level measurements, cost between £50 and £300. These meters are sufficient for most casual and semi-professional uses, including home noise monitoring and basic occupational health assessments.

Class 1 meters, like the Casella CEL-63X, are often used by professionals who need precise and reliable data, while Class 2 meters, such as the Protmex PT02, are more accessible for general use and less critical applications​  including home noise monitoring and basic occupational health assessments. Here's a comparison table summarizing the cost and features of Class 1 and Class 2 decibel meters:


Cost Range (GBP)


Typical Uses


Class 1

£650 - £3,000

±1 dB

Environmental assessments, industrial noise monitoring, compliance with regulations

Casella CEL-63X, Brüel & Kjær 2250

Class 2

£50 - £300

±15 dB

Home noise monitoring, basic occupational health assessments

Protmex PT02, VLIKE MS-6708

  • Class

    • Class 1

    • Class 2

  • Cost Range (GBP)

    • £650 - £3,000

    • £50 - £300

  • Accuracy

    • ±1 dB

    • ±15 dB

  • Typical Uses

    • Environmental assessments, industrial noise monitoring, compliance with regulations

    • Home noise monitoring, basic occupational health assessments

  • Examples

    • Casella CEL-63X, Brüel & Kjær 2250

    • Protmex PT02, VLIKE MS-6708

Where can I buy or rent a decibel meter in the UK?

In the UK, you can buy or rent decibel meters from several reputable suppliers. For purchasing, Castle Shop offers a wide selection of sound level meters, including models such as the Castle Sonus GA116B and GA116E, which are suitable for both environmental and occupational noise measurements​. Another option for buying is Campbell Associates, which provides precision sound measurement solutions from leading manufacturers like Norsonic​.

If you prefer to rent a decibel meter, there are multiple options available. Castle Group offers various rental packages with next-day delivery, catering to different noise measurement needs, including environmental noise monitoring systems and occupational noise measurement kits​. NoiseMeters also provides rental services for sound level meters and noise dosimeters, with options for data logging and integration for comprehensive noise assessments​. Additionally, Gracey offers short-term and contract hire arrangements for certified sound level meters, analyzers, and accessories, with a range of options suitable for various applications​. These suppliers provide a broad spectrum of tools for accurately measuring and monitoring noise levels, ensuring you can find a solution that meets your specific requirements.

The best decibel meter apps and online resources

Can I use my phone as a sound level meter? Sure, you just need the right app. How do you use the sound level meter app? When it comes to measuring sound levels, several decibel meter apps and online resources stand out.

  • Decibel X: This app is highly recommended for both Android and iPhone users. It provides real-time sound level measurements with professional-grade accuracy. Decibel X is free with in-app purchases and features an easy-to-use interface with visual graphs and waveforms, making it one of the best decibel meter apps available.
  • NIOSH Sound Level Meter: Developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, this iPhone-only app is ideal for workplace noise level monitoring. It offers features like real-time noise exposure data and is completely free without ads or in-app purchases, making it an excellent option for those seeking a free and reliable decibel meter app.
  • Decibel Pro: Available on both iOS and Android, Decibel Pro offers a comprehensive suite of features, including noise dosimeters, hearing tests, and spectrum analysis. The app is free with limited ads, and a pro version unlocks additional features. It's a versatile tool for anyone needing accurate sound level measurements on the go.
  • Sound Meter & Noise Detector: This Android app turns your phone into a decibel meter, providing easy-to-read measurements and recommendations for hearing protection. It's user-friendly and saves measurement history, although it contains ads that can be intrusive​.

For those preferring online resources, websites like Noiseaware and iPhone Noise offer tools and information to help you understand and manage sound levels in various environments. These apps and resources are invaluable for anyone needing to monitor noise exposure, whether for personal use or in professional settings.

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Are decibel meter apps accurate? How to use a decibel meter app

Decibel meter apps can provide reasonably accurate measurements for everyday noise levels, but their accuracy can vary significantly based on several factors. The accuracy of these apps is influenced by the quality of the smartphone's microphone, the app's calibration, and the environmental conditions. Studies have shown that some apps can have a variance of up to ±2 dB(A) compared to professional sound level meters, particularly those designed by reliable organisations like the CDC’s NIOSH. However, discrepancies can occur, especially with low-frequency or impulsive noises, and when different smartphone models are used. For instance, the same app might show different readings on different devices due to variations in microphone placement and hardware specifications​.

To use a decibel meter app effectively:

  • Select a Reliable App: Choose apps known for their accuracy, such as the NIOSH Sound Level Meter or Decibel X. These apps are typically well-reviewed and designed with input from acoustic experts​​.
  • Calibrate the App: If possible, calibrate the app using a known sound source or an external microphone to improve accuracy​ (GadgetMates)​.
  • Positioning: Hold your smartphone in a way that the microphone is unobstructed and facing the sound source. Avoid covering the microphone with your hand or placing it against your body​​.
  • Environmental Conditions: Use the app in a quiet environment to avoid interference from background noise. Also, ensure the measurement area is free from obstructions that can reflect sound waves.

By following these guidelines, you can obtain more reliable noise level measurements using decibel meter apps. For precise and critical measurements, though, professional-grade sound level meters are recommended.

How to read a decibel meter

To read a noise meter, follow these steps for accurate measurement of sound levels:

  1. Power On the Device: Turn on the noise meter and ensure it is set to the appropriate weighting and response settings. Typically, "A-weighting" is used for general noise measurements as it mimics human ear sensitivity.
  2. Position the Meter: Hold the noise meter at arm's length to avoid any interference from your body. Aim the microphone towards the sound source.
  3. Check Noise Levels: To measure noise levels, observe the meter’s display which will show the sound pressure level in decibels (dB). The reading gives you the sound level, which is a measure of the intensity of sound. For instance, a normal conversation is about 60 dB, while noise levels above 85 dB can be harmful with prolonged exposure​.
  4. Understanding Decibels: One decibel (dB) is a unit that quantifies the ratio of sound pressure to a reference level. It is a logarithmic unit used to describe a relative difference in power or intensity. For example, an increase of 10 dB represents a tenfold increase in intensity​.
  5. Normal Sound Levels: Everyday sound levels vary; normal ambient noise in a quiet room is about 40 dB, a typical conversation is around 60 dB, and noise from heavy traffic can reach 85 dB​.
  6. Using the Meter: When using a noise meter, you can switch between different modes, such as 'fast' for quick changes in noise level or 'slow' for average readings over time. Always refer to the device manual for specific instructions.

By understanding and using these steps, you can effectively measure and monitor sound levels to ensure a safe and comfortable environment. Regularly checking noise levels is crucial in many settings, from workplaces to public venues, to avoid potential hearing damage and to comply with noise regulations​.

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