Old man with cap and hearing aids

CIC hearing aids

CIC (Completely-in-canal) hearing aids are small and discreet devices that fit entirely within the ear canal. They are custom-made to fit the individual ear canal's contours, making them virtually invisible when worn. CIC hearing aids are designed to improve hearing by amplifying sounds directly into the ear canal, offering natural sound quality and minimizing background noise.

What is a CIC hearing aid?

Completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids have some specific features that distinguish them from other types of hearing aids. These features include:

Extremely small size

CIC hearing aids are designed to be among the smallest available, inserted completely into the ear canal. This makes them almost invisible when worn.

Tailor-made customization

Because they must fit perfectly inside the ear canal, CICs are often custom-made for each user. This requires precise modeling of the ear canal.

Deep insertion into the ear canal

CIC aids are placed deeper in the ear canal than other types of hearing aids, such as ITEs or BTEs. This helps to improve natural sound quality and reduce wind noise.

Reduction of acoustic feedback

Because they are placed closer to the eardrum, CIC devices can offer better acoustic feedback management than other hearing aids.

CIC hearing aids' prices

The price of CIC hearing aids in Australia generally falls within a wide range, depending on factors such as brand, technology level, and additional features. Here are some general price ranges:

Basic to mid-range models

Prices typically start from around $1,500 to $3,000 per hearing aid. Examples include models from brands like Signia and Widex, which offer various levels of technology within this range.

Premium models

Premium CIC hearing aids can cost between $3,000 and $5,000 per hearing aid. These models often include advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable batteries, and sophisticated sound processing technology.

High-end models

The most advanced CIC hearing aids can cost upwards of $5,000 per hearing aid. These are generally custom-made and offer the latest technology for enhanced sound quality, noise reduction, and connectivity options.

Affordable CIC hearing aid

Here's the updated list of options for affordable CIC hearing aids available in Australia:

  • Hearing Australia: Offers various hearing aid solutions, including budget-friendly CIC models
  • Amplifon: An international brand with a strong presence in Australia, providing a range of hearing aids including more affordable CIC options
  • Specsavers Hearing: Provides accessible hearing aids in Australia, including CIC options at competitive prices
  • Signia and Widex: While premium brands, they have a presence in Australia and offer some more affordable models through various hearing aid providers
  • Costco: Offers competitive prices on a range of hearing aids, including CIC models, and provides services such as hearing tests and fittings
Doctor performing hearing level assessment in the office
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Best CIC hearing aids 2024

Here are some of the top brands offering CIC hearing aids in 2024:

  • Oticon: Known for its high-definition sound quality and advanced features, Oticon’s CIC models are praised for their natural sound and customizable options
  • Phonak: Offers a range of innovative hearing aids with excellent Bluetooth connectivity and robust performance in diverse listening environments
  • Signia: Provides CIC hearing aids with advanced technology for clear sound and excellent personalization options, including user-friendly apps
  • Starkey: Recognized for incorporating cutting-edge technology and customizable solutions, Starkey’s CIC models are known for their comfort and clarity
  • Widex: Known for their focus on natural sound quality and personalization, Widex CIC hearing aids offer advanced features in a discreet design
  • ReSound: Offers high-performance CIC hearing aids with a focus on sound quality and connectivity features, making them a solid choice for many users
  • Amplifon: Provides a range of discreet and effective hearing aids, including CIC models, with a focus on customer care and support

CIC vs IIC hearing aids

While both CIC and IIC hearing aids are small and fit inside the ear canal, IIC hearing aids are typically smaller and more discreet, designed to be nearly invisible. They both offer benefits of natural sound quality and reduced background noise but differ in their visibility and depth of placement within the ear canal. The choice between CIC and IIC styles often depends on individual preference for visibility and the degree of hearing loss being treated.

CIC vs ITC hearing aids

CIC (Completely In the Canal) hearing aids are the smallest and most discreet, fitting entirely within the ear canal for a nearly invisible look. They are ideal for those seeking maximum subtlety but may have limited features and battery life due to their compact size. ITC (In the Canal) hearing aids are slightly larger, fitting partially in the ear canal and outer ear, offering more space for advanced features like Bluetooth and larger batteries. They balance discretion with functionality, making them easier to handle and providing better amplification options. Choosing between them depends on your preference for invisibility versus enhanced features and ease of use.

CIC hearing aids with Bluetooth

CIC hearing aids with Bluetooth combine a nearly invisible design with advanced connectivity features. These devices are designed to fit entirely within the ear canal, offering a discreet solution for those who value subtlety. The integration of Bluetooth technology allows users to stream audio directly from their smartphones or other devices, enhancing the listening experience. Many models come with rechargeable batteries, which reduce the hassle of frequent replacements. Additionally, these hearing aids often feature customizable programs that adapt to various listening environments, and many are compatible with smartphone apps for further control and personalization.

Are CIC hearing aids comfortable?

Doctor conducting patient's hearing level test

CIC hearing aids can be comfortable for many users, but their comfort level can vary based on several factors:

  • Custom-fit: CIC hearing aids are custom-molded to fit the unique shape of your ear canal, which can enhance comfort. This personalized fit helps in providing a snug and secure placement, minimizing discomfort and movement within the ear​
  • Size and invisibility: Their small size makes them less obtrusive compared to larger hearing aids, which can be a significant comfort factor for many users. The deep placement in the ear canal also makes them nearly invisible, adding to the user's comfort and confidence
  • Acclimatization period: New users might experience a period of adjustment where they need to get used to the sensation of having the device in their ear. Over time, most users find that they adapt to the feel of CIC hearing aids
  • Ventilation and ear Health: Some CIC models have features to improve ventilation within the ear canal, reducing the likelihood of moisture buildup and related discomfort. Proper ventilation helps in maintaining ear health and comfort​
  • Potential discomfort: Despite their custom fit, some users might still experience discomfort, particularly if the hearing aid is not fitted correctly. Pressure points or improper insertion can lead to soreness or irritation. Regular follow-up with an audiologist can address and rectify these issues​

Pros and cons of CIC hearing aids

CIC hearing aids offer a range of benefits and drawbacks, depending on individual needs and preferences. Here’s a concise look at the pros and cons: CIC hearing aids offer a range of benefits and drawbacks, depending on individual needs and preferences. Here’s a concise look at the pros and cons:


  • Discreet appearance: CIC hearing aids are nearly invisible when worn, making them a great choice for those who prioritize aesthetics
  • Natural sound quality: The design places the microphone close to the eardrum, which can provide more natural sound quality and better directionality.
  • Comfort: Custom-molded to fit the ear canal, they are generally comfortable and less noticeable to the wearer
  • Reduced wind noise: Their placement in the ear canal helps reduce wind noise compared to larger models


  • Limited features: The small size can restrict the inclusion of advanced features such as wireless connectivity or larger batteries
  • Battery life: Smaller batteries in CIC models often require more frequent changes or recharging compared to larger hearing aids
  • Amplification limits: Their compact size may limit amplification and effectiveness in very noisy environments or for severe hearing loss
  • Ear canal health: As they fit snugly in the ear canal, they may not be ideal for individuals with ear infections or excessive earwax

Find out if you're eligible for CIC hearing aids

If you’re concerned with the cosmetic effects of wearing hearing aids and have mild to moderate hearing loss, CIC hearing aids may be the right choice for you. Talk to a licensed hearing care professional about your hearing and ask about whether invisible hearing aids are a good fit for you.

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FAQs about CIC hearing aids

Can you use headphones with CIC hearing aids?

Yes, you can use headphones with CIC hearing aids, but there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Over-ear headphones: These are generally the best option because they don't press directly on the hearing aids, reducing the risk of feedback and discomfort.
  • On-ear headphones: These can work but might cause some discomfort or feedback due to the pressure on the outer ear.
  • In-ear headphones: These are not recommended as they occupy the same space as the hearing aids and can cause discomfort and damage.
  • Bluetooth connectivity: Many modern CIC hearing aids come with Bluetooth, allowing you to connect directly to audio sources without the need for traditional headphones.

How to remove CIC hearing aids?

Removing a CIC hearing aid can be straightforward if done correctly. Here are the steps to safely remove your CIC hearing aid:

  • Wash your hands: Ensure your hands are clean to avoid introducing any dirt or bacteria into your ear.
  • Locate the removal string or handle: Most CIC hearing aids come with a small, clear removal string or handle attached to the faceplate. This is designed to help you easily pull the hearing aid out.
  • Gently tug the removal string: Gently grasp the removal string or handle between your thumb and index finger. Slowly and carefully pull the string outward. The hearing aid should slide out of your ear canal smoothly.
  • Use your fingertips: If your CIC hearing aid does not have a removal string, use your fingertips to grasp the edges of the hearing aid. Gently wiggle the hearing aid back and forth while pulling it outward to ease it out of the ear canal.
  • Do not use force: Avoid pulling too hard or using sharp objects to pry the hearing aid out, as this could damage the device or your ear. Inspect and clean: After removal, inspect the hearing aid for any earwax buildup or debris. Clean it gently using a soft, dry cloth or the cleaning tools provided by your audiologist.
  • Store safely: Store the hearing aid in its protective case when not in use to keep it safe and clean.

What does CIC mean in hearing aids?

CIC in hearing aids stands for Completely-in-the-Canal. This term describes a type of hearing aid that is designed to fit entirely within the ear canal.

Are CIC hearing aids good for severe hearing loss?

For severe hearing loss, ITC, ITE, or BTE hearing aids are generally recommended. These styles can accommodate larger batteries, provide more power, and incorporate advanced technologies to better address severe hearing loss.

Learn more on other hearing aid types

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