Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in the industrialized world and is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the more serious health problems society faces. In fact, they estimate that hearing loss poses an annual global cost of around US$750 billion.
Hearing loss has many causes. It can be inherited or developed following exposure to a wide variety of risk factors. One of the major risk factors, particularly in the industrialized world, is the overexposure to excessive noise.
Your occupation can increase your risk of overexposure to excessive noise. Other occupational risk factors for hearing loss include whole body vibration, exposure to toxins and work-related diseases. Occupational hearing loss accounts for 16% of disabling hearing loss worldwide.
So, for those who are at greater risk of hearing loss, choosing a career that poses less risk to your hearing or being aware of the risks your given sector poses to your hearing health are important factors to consider.
Jobs most likely to lead to hearing loss
Ground staff responsible for loading and unloading aircraft as well as directing it are at serious risk of excessive noise exposure. Whilst they’re provided with the globally recognized orange earmuffs, even these can’t protect them fully from the forceful 140dB noise that aircraft jets can produce.
On-board crew members are also exposed to these noises at times and should take care to ensure they’re well protected, minimizing exposure when they can.
Similarly to agriculture, exposure to loud pieces of machinery for an extend period of time leave many in the manufacturing sector at risk of developing some kind of hearing loss related issue during their career. Protective ear wear should be provided but the level of exposure over the course of an entire career will take its toll.
More niche careers that can increase the risk of NIHL include:
Preventing hearing loss should be a priority if you work in one of these industries. The conscious effort to reduce your exposure to the sounds which can cause NIHL as well as wearing adequate hearing protection are the two main ways in which you can protect yourself from hearing loss.
If you are concerned that you are experiencing hearing loss, there are some typical hearing loss symptoms to look out for. If you feel that you may be suffering with some degree of hearing loss, we recommended that you seek professional help from a licensed hearing loss professional who can help you achieve your optimal state of hearing.
It's time to finally treat your hearing loss. Sign up for a free consultation with a licensed hearing care professional today to determine if you have hearing loss. It’s the start of your journey towards better hearing.
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