Millions of people live with the effects of vertigo, and if you are one of them, you will know the sensation of feeling like you are spinning, despite not moving. It can make you feel like you’ve just come off a rollercoaster ride or that the room is moving when in fact, nothing is. Vertigo can vary from person to person, but even if you only get very occasional symptoms it can still interfere with your quality of life.
Vertigo happens because of a problem with the way balance works in the inner ear. However, it can also be caused by issues in certain areas of the brain. Central vertigo can happen as a result of a stroke or multiple sclerosis. You can also have vertigo if you have had a head injury, an inner ear infection such as labyrinthitis, migraines or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo which is when particular head movements can trigger vertigo. This is called Peripheral vertigo.
An attack of vertigo can come on very suddenly and last for just a few seconds or go on for longer. In some cases of severe vertigo, symptoms can be continuous and last for several days. Some of the symptoms of vertigo are dizziness, loss of balance making it difficult to walk or stand and feeling sick or actually being sick.
There are things you can do to help relieve symptoms of vertigo and one of the most effective is exercise. But before you try any type of exercise, it’s a good idea to schedule a consultation with a hearing care professional or your doctor. They will be able determine which type of vertigo you have and which of your ears are affected.
It’s important to keep in mind that exercises for vertigo could make you feel dizzy while you are doing them. You should aim to have someone with you when you try out these exercises. Alternatively, make sure you have the support of a wall behind you and a chair in front of you in case you lose your balance.
If you can try to do one set of five repetitions of this exercise on each side:
Once your doctor has confirmed you have vertigo and which of your ears is affected, you can try this exercise. If BPPV is in your left year, follow these steps:
If BPPV is in your right ear, then you will need to start by moving your head to the right and drop onto your left side.
These steps will help if you have BPPV in your left ear. However, if you have it on your right side, you can do the exercise in the opposite direction to the steps below:
This is also called the half-somersault and is one of the simplest exercises for vertigo you can try. Follow these steps if BPPV is in your left ear. If you have it in your right, then focus on doing them on your right side.
As vertigo can cause you to have imbalance issues and fall, it’s a good idea to have someone with you while you do these exercises.
Aim to do both of these exercises twice a day:
If your vertigo symptoms persist or it is starting to affect your quality of life, speak to your doctor.
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