Phonak Lyric is a hearing aid with a unique and advanced modern twist. With Phonak Lyric, you have to use the services of a trained audiologist or otolaryngologist who inserts it deep into the ear canal. The good thing about Phonak Lyric hearing aids is that you don’t have to remove them every day to recharge them. These hearing aids will remain in your ear canal for months. You can now sleep, shower, and work out while your hearing aids sit comfortably in your ear canal.
Lyric will vary in price depending on the providers you purchase from. Since this device incorporates advanced technology, you may find them more expensive than other hearing aids. The starting price of Lyric ranges from $3000 to $8000 a pair.
You may be worrying about other people noticing that you wear hearing aids. Perhaps you do not wish for your co-workers or others to know about your use of hearing aids or hearing loss. When wearing Lyric hearing aids, they will be virtually undetectable to anyone. With their deep insertion into the ear canal by a specialist, your hearing aids will be out of sight to those around you. This hearing aid has been in the market for years as an invisible hearing aid.
Do you want to hear again? Book a hearing test in the clinic closest to your home for free. Leave your contact details to be contacted and take a free hearing test in your city.
EarPros benefits:
Phonak Lyric hearing aids enhance natural sound. This is unlike other digital hearing aids, which aim at mimicking natural sounds. Phonak is a global hearing aid leader. They aim to manufacture hearing aids with a clear and natural sound. While traditional hearing aids collect sounds outside the ears, Lyric collects sound deep in the ear canal. When deep in the ear canal, Lyric helps in improving the directionality and localization of natural sounds.
You don’t have to worry about how your voice will sound when wearing Phonak Hearing aids. This quality is not often found in other hearing aids, especially those worn outside or behind the ear. Since Lyric is inserted deep into the ear canal, nothing compromises the sound of your voice. Phonak Lyrics mimics the natural sounds of the environment. Your voice here is no exception. With Phonak Lyric hearing aids, there’s a more negligible occlusion effect when you talk. This means the impact caused by booming in the ear reduces when you speak.
The good news is that wearing Phonak Lyric hearing aids can help in relieving symptoms of tinnitus. If tinnitus has become a bother to you, Lyric can provide assistance. You don’t have to worry that your tinnitus condition will lead to hearing deprivation when you wear Lyric hearing aids. Additionally, Lyric hearing aids will prove much helpful if tinnitus bothers you at night. Since you can go to bed while still wearing Lyric, it will solve your tinnitus problem over time. The deep insertion will offer a unique approach to relieving tinnitus during the day and night. People wearing Lyric hearing aids expect their tinnitus symptoms to clear with time. However, Phonak is still looking thoroughly into this issue to ascertain whether it is always true that Lyric helps in relieving symptoms of tinnitus.
Since Phonak leads in manufacturing hearing aids globally, it aims to offer the best products to the market. Their new hearing aid – Lyric 4 – has been designed to the tastes and preferences of a world that is technologically advanced. Lyric 4 has come with even more benefits than Lyric 3. Some of these benefits are:
High fitting success rate. Lyric 4 fitting rate is above 75%. Reducing its size has made it possible to fit in well in the ear canal. This is good news to people with smaller ear canals.
Buying a hearing aid is an important step in taking charge of your own life. Consult a hearing care professional to choose the model that best suits your needs, FREE OF CHARGE AND WITHOUT COMMITMENT.
EarPros benefits:
Not all people with hearing losses will enjoy using Lyric. While this might disappoint some people, there are good reasons why Lyric isn’t for everyone. Here is a list of reasons why you may not be able to use Phonak Lyric hearing aids.
You can consult a hearing aids specialist to learn whether or not you can use Phonak Lyric hearing aids.
Some downsides come with the use of Lyric hearing aids. These include: