For the 5% of the world’s population experiencing hearing loss, hearing aids offer the potential of not only improving your hearing but your overall quality of life. There are several types of hearing aid and a popular option for people preferring a more discreet hearing device is the in the canal (ITC) hearing aid.
What makes ITC hearing aids different?
Here are five of the best ITC hearing aids available today:
1. Nera2 by Oticon
The Nera2 is an in the ear hearing aid that offers six frequency bands to ensure you always get good listening quality. The Soft Speech Booster adapts to the environment to clarify and amplify speech. You can also create three different listening profiles to ensure your hearing is personalized the way you want for when you are working, playing sport or socializing.
Key features
The Phonak Viro B ITC hearing aids boast to being the world’s first hearing aids that use Biometric Calibration. This technology has been developed to take your ear anatomy and hearing needs into account. It enables the hearing aids to be able to sense where the sound is coming from more reliably and give you a better hearing performance as a result.
Key features
The ReSound Enya provides good sound quality and speech understanding in durable, discreet and wireless ITC hearing aids. Being wireless, you can stream sounds directly to your ITC hearing aids with 2.4GHz wireless accessories and by using the ReSound Control app.
Key features
The Signia Insio ITC hearing aids allow you to stream audio from your TV, phone calls and music using wireless Bluetooth connectivity. Directional microphones improve speech understanding in noisy environments.
Key features
Available in four different technology levels, the Widex UNIQUE is designed to suit your specific hearing needs, budget, and lifestyle. The UNIQUE440 is aimed at people who love being outdoors. For those who enjoy socializing in small groups, the UNIQUE330 is probably the best ITC hearing aid for them. For anyone who prefers things a little quieter, then the UNIQUE 110 and UNIQUE220 will enhance your hearing ability in smaller settings.
Key features
Hearing aids have come along way in recent years. While they were once big, uncomfortable and cumbersome, they are now small and discreet and packed full of features. The best ITC hearing aids offer state of the art technology to enhance your listening experience that is also camouflaged to match your skin tone to give you discreet wearing.
It's time to finally treat your hearing loss. Sign up for a free consultation with a licensed hearing care professional today to determine if you have hearing loss. It’s the start of your journey towards better hearing.
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