Why is my tinnitus worse when I wake up?

Author: EarPros Team

Tinnitus in the morning: waking up with ringing in ears

Tinnitus's impact goes far beyond its immediate auditory effects, especially when it manifests louder right upon waking. Individuals may experience dizziness and ringing in their ears or wake up with both a headache and ringing ears, as tinnitus interrupts the morning's peace. This condition's stealthy progression, particularly notable in instances of waking up with tinnitus, can escalate stress, anxiety, and irritation levels. The constant ringing or buzzing not only hampers the physical waking process but also invades one's mental well-being, casting a lingering shadow of disturbance that affects the entire day.

Why is my tinnitus worse when I wake up?

Several factors could lead to tinnitus being more noticeable upon waking:

  • Lack of ambient noise: The quiet of the night means there's less environmental sound to mask the tinnitus, making it seem louder
  • Blood circulation: Lying down for extended periods can affect circulation, especially to the head and ears, potentially intensifying tinnitus symptoms
  • Stress levels: Poor sleep quality and the anxiety of facing a new day can heighten sensitivity to tinnitus in the morning

If experiencing recurrent issues, consulting with a healthcare professional to explore management strategies is recommended.

A doctor examining a patient's ear
Is it normal to wake up with ringing in just one ear?

While tinnitus commonly affects both ears, waking up with ringing in one ear can occur and might be a sign of earwax buildup, an ear infection, or even sudden hearing loss. It's advisable to seek medical attention to determine the cause.

Learn about earwax buildup

Treatments: how to stop tinnitus in the morning?

Addressing the challenge of morning tinnitus involves a variety of treatment strategies and therapies designed to meet the specific needs of those affected by its intrusive presence upon waking. Audiologists and hearing specialists are crucial in navigating these options, providing scientifically backed treatments to reduce the perception and impact of tinnitus in the morning:

Sound therapy

Sound therapy stands out as a key approach for managing morning tinnitus, utilizing external noises like white noise, nature sounds, or tailor-made sound environments to distract from and reduce the awareness of tinnitus. Integrating sound therapy into morning routines can help lessen tinnitus's interruptive effects, allowing for a smoother and more serene start to the day.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is another effective method for addressing morning tinnitus. As a psychological treatment, CBT focuses on modifying emotional and thought patterns related to tinnitus, equipping individuals with strategies to manage their reactions and change their perspective towards the condition. Applied to morning tinnitus, CBT can aid in mitigating its psychological impact, promoting mental resilience and well-being from the day's outset.


Medications, in certain instances, may be considered to ease morning tinnitus symptoms, especially if linked to specific health issues. Although no medication is formally approved for tinnitus, some, like tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants, may be prescribed on an off-label basis to lessen the severity of symptoms, improving morning routines. It's critical, however, that medication use is closely supervised by healthcare professionals to ensure safety and efficacy.

New treatments

New treatments, including neuromodulation techniques and novel drug therapies, are continuously evolving the field of tinnitus care. These innovative approaches offer hope and potential relief for those struggling with morning tinnitus, introducing fresh possibilities for treatment and an enhanced quality of life. Audiologists and hearing specialists are key to accessing these advancements, providing individuals with the most current and impactful treatment options for morning tinnitus.

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Strategies for morning tinnitus management

Experiencing ears ringing in the morning can profoundly affect an individual’s start to the day, influencing their well-being and capacity for productivity. Recognizing and implementing lifestyle adjustments and management strategies play a critical role in mitigating the effects of morning tinnitus. This section explores a comprehensive approach to manage morning tinnitus, highlighting the importance of stress management, dietary habits, and relaxation techniques in the morning routine.

Stress and sleep: effects on morning tinnitus

The connection between stress, sleep quality, and tinnitus is well-documented in audiology and otolaryngology research. Those waking up with symptoms like dizziness and ears ringing in the morning may notice that stress aggravates tinnitus, with higher stress levels often associated with more severe tinnitus symptoms.

Similarly, disrupted sleep patterns and poor sleep quality can lead to an increased perception of tinnitus upon waking. Grasping the influence of stress and sleep on tinnitus is crucial for devising effective management tactics.

Implementing stress-reduction strategies, such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing, can be particularly effective in lessening tinnitus’s perceived intensity when incorporated into a morning routine. These practices can help individuals start their day with reduced tinnitus impact, promoting peace and tranquility.

Additionally, optimizing the sleep environment and maintaining good sleep hygiene can lessen the effects of waking up with tinnitus, such as headaches and ringing ears. This involves keeping a regular sleep schedule, ensuring a comfortable and quiet bedroom, and avoiding stimulating activities before sleep. Focusing on stress management and sleep quality can significantly aid in controlling morning tinnitus and enhancing overall health.

Waking up with ringing in ears: food and diet

Diet may affect tinnitus perception, especially concerning morning symptoms. Excessive intake of stimulants like caffeine and alcohol might worsen tinnitus symptoms, amplifying the sensation of ringing or buzzing in the ears upon waking. On the other hand, staying hydrated and consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support hearing health and possibly reduce tinnitus severity.

Making dietary adjustments, such as limiting caffeine and alcohol while focusing on hydration and nutrient-rich foods, can form part of a holistic strategy for morning tinnitus management. By being mindful of how diet impacts hearing health and tinnitus problems, individuals can take steps to improve their dietary habits and lessen tinnitus’s morning effects.

Morning routine and relaxation techniques

Incorporating relaxation and mindfulness techniques into the morning routine can significantly affect managing tinnitus upon waking. Practices like yoga, tai chi, or guided meditation can foster mental calmness and clarity, offering relief from the tinnitus's intrusive nature.

Mindfulness exercises, including focused breathing and grounding techniques, encourage present moment awareness, which can diminish fixation on tinnitus and promote a more serene and focused morning. By adopting these techniques as part of the morning routine, individuals can address the psychological and emotional challenges posed by morning tinnitus, enhancing resilience and overall well-being.

Hearing aids for morning tinnitus masking and more

The realm of tinnitus treatment has expanded beyond conventional hearing aids, introducing cutting-edge solutions that promise relief for those troubled by morning tinnitus. For individuals puzzled by the ringing in their ears upon waking, these novel technologies provide a beacon of hope. Among these innovations are combination devices that merge the capabilities of hearing aids with sound therapy functions, crafting a holistic strategy for tinnitus care.

Combination devices are designed not just to improve hearing but also to provide specific sound therapy aimed at reducing tinnitus perception. They utilize a range of sounds, from fractal tones to bespoke soundscapes, to mask or diminish the intrusive tinnitus noise. This dual-functionality approach addresses the unique challenges faced by those with morning tinnitus, enabling them to better manage their condition and enjoy a higher quality of auditory life.

Furthermore, the advent of wearable technology has spurred the creation of sound generator devices and neuromodulation tools. These innovative products offer non-invasive stimulation based on neuromodulation, aiming to soothe tinnitus symptoms. By harnessing the brain's ability to reorganize itself (neuroplasticity), these devices work to adjust the brain's response to tinnitus, providing a pathway to significant, lasting relief, even from the particular difficulties tinnitus presents in the morning.

A doctor conducting an ear exam
Can TMJ, bruxism, and tinnitus affect sleep?

The disruptive nature of tinnitus soundsand  TMJ disorder and bruxism can significantly impair an individual's ability to attain restorative sleep, contributing to heightened fatigue and cognitive impairment in the morning.

More about nighttime tinnitus

Morning tinnitus and ringing in the ears FAQs

Wake up feeling dizzy with ringing in ears: why?

Dizziness and tinnitus upon awakening may arise from various sources, such as complications within the inner ear, fluctuations in blood pressure, or a lack of hydration. These symptoms are often associated with specific health issues, including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) or Meniere's disease.

In addition, the incidence of morning dizziness and ear ringing during pregnancy could be more pronounced. Nausea may coincide with this ringing in ears sensation during pregnancy, potentially intensified due to physiological and hormonal alterations, including changes in blood pressure and circulating blood volume.

Waking up dizzy with ringing in ears: what to do?

It's important to consult a healthcare professional to accurately diagnose and address the underlying cause. In the meantime, ensure you stay hydrated, get enough rest, and avoid sudden changes in position.

Morning headache and ringing in ears? Causes

This combination of symptoms could be linked to stress, tension headaches, migraines, or even high blood pressure. The ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, can be exacerbated by these conditions.

Can headache and ringing in the ears be treated?

Yes, treatment is possible but varies based on the underlying cause. Managing stress, medication for blood pressure or migraines, and tinnitus therapy options can help alleviate these symptoms. Consult with a healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan.

What are the different types of morning tinnitus?

Tinnitus in the morning is classified into two main types: subjective and objective.

Subjective tinnitus involves sounds that are perceived exclusively by the person affected, manifesting as noises that others cannot hear.

Conversely, objective tinnitus produces sounds that are audible not just to the individual experiencing them, but also to external observers, such as a healthcare provider during an examination.

To diagnose and treat morning tinnitus effectively, a detailed medical assessment is often necessary to uncover and target the root cause of these symptoms.

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